Store hours Tues-Sat 11-4 Call for daily updated store hours during bad weather .
Store hours Tues-Sat 11-4 Call for daily updated store hours during bad weather .
Thank you for considering us! To contact us directly please call our store and leave a message at 704 782 5699 or call us directly at 704 706 7503. We appreciate all of our customers for it is our customers that support this family and keep the lights on for us. May God bless us all and thank you for your support in our art of forever flower jewelry.
Our mailing address at this time will be Kathleen or Justin Reeder at
1 Union St North, Concord, NC 28025
Please call us if you are inquiring about our memorial pet jewelry, pet memorial jewelry
Our flower petal jewelry process can be accomplished with either your fresh or your already dried flowers.
You may bring your flowers by the shop (1 Union Street N, Concord NC 28025) immediately following the service or enjoy them and bring them by once they begin to wilt. PLEASE do NOT put your flowers in any plastic or in the freezer. They can't breathe and it causes them to mold. Once they mold, we cannot use them.
Fold a paper towel into fourths and put the petals of each different flower into these folds. No stems please. Tape the paper towel so that the ends close up and keep the flower petals in the paper towel. You need just enough tape to tape the ends. You do not need to tape the whole thing. The trick is that the flowers need to breath in order to start drying out during shipping. Place the paper towels containing your flowers into an unpadded paper manila envelope or cardboard box. The post office does offer flat rate shipping with box. Do NOT put them in any plastic wraps or bags for they will begin to mold and become unusable. Use newspaper if you need to fill up space in the box. We do not want them to mildew in shipping and plastic does not allow air to flow. Again, please be sure to include your name, address and phone number in your package.
Attention! We ship USPS and require a signature confirmation to be collected by the postal delivery person or post office.
Flower Beads are hand‐rolled. I roll EACH bead in the palm of my hand. Over the past years, I have mastered my own technique when it comes to preserving
flowers into jewelry. I combine your flowers with a bonding agent in order to make the bead. Once the beads are
rolled, I double glaze them in order to seal them.
Your flower beads will be about a shade darker than the flowers you brought in. Due to the nature of some flowers, if they’re dyed (some florists dye the flowers to make
them brighter or to achieve the color you’re wanting) or if they naturally do not hold their color will
all play a factor in the color of your beads. I guarantee they will be beautiful.
You need to treat your flower beads like fine jewelry.
They are a handmade item made from organic materials. Never dip in a solution or immerse your flower bead
jewelry in water. Spray perfumes, hairsprays and all other body care items on BEFORE putting your flower bead jewelry on. Do not leave your flower bead jewelry in direct sunlight.
**Please understand that flower beads are not perfect. They are professionally handmade. A lot of love and labor goes into this process and we feel that they are
perfectly imperfect.
Any questions please call us at 704-782-5699 or me personally at
704-706-7503 Kathleen
Thank you for using our service.
Flower bead jewelry, wedding bouquet jewelry, flower petal jewelry, flower beads, catholic rosary necklaces, memorial beads, wedding flower jewelry, flower jewelry, memory beads from flowers, funeral flower jewelry, petal jewelry, memorial funeral jewelry, prayer flower beads, dried funeral flower jewelry, flower gifts, Flower petal jewelry, cremation jewelry.
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